Sheep and goat production has become a specialized farm enterprise in our region, and MFA offers quality feeds to support that industry. Producers can effectively and efficiently use forage and pasture to raise these small ruminant animals with the advantages of low cost, small size and marginal land use to produce high-quality animal products.
MFA offers several feed and mineral products formulated to meet the needs of goats and sheep throughout their growth and development, including show animals. Several products include MFA’s Shield Technology, an all-natural blend of essential oils and other additives to enhance animal performance and health. Talk with your MFA livestock expert for more information or visit the MFA location nearest you.
A complete feed for sheep of all ages. May be fed with roughage. When used to fatten lambs, start feeding 1-2 pounds of hay daily with a full feed of 12% Sheep Pellets and gradually (2-4 weeks) reduce the hay to about 0.5 pound per animal daily. Keep the hay between the water and this feed. When used to feed gestating ewes, feed 0.5 to 1.5 pounds per head per day; for lactating ewes, feed 1.5 to 3 pounds per head per day along with high-quality forage.
Nutrient Analysis
A complete feed for all classes of sheep. Feed as creep feed to lambs. When used as an early weaning starter/grower ration, start feeding 1.5 pounds of hay daily and full feed MFA Sheep Starter/Grower Pellets. Gradually reduce hay to 0.5 pound within four weeks.
Nutrient Analysis
A feed for all classes of sheep, this is our most widely used sheep feed. Contains Bovatec for prevention of coccidiosis caused in sheep maintained in confinement. Feed continuously at the rate of 1.25 pounds to 5 pounds per head per day to provide 17 mg to 67.5 mg per head per day depending on body weight. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics.
Nutrient Analysis
A supplement feed to be mixed with Corn or oats for all classes of sheep. Mix directions are below. Use only as directed. For ruminants (sheep) only.
Nutrient Analysis of Pellet
A complete feed for all classes of sheep. Fine-tuned to meet the demands of consistent gain in small ruminants. Formulated to help lambs meet their genetic potential for growth and muscle. Contains the vitamins and chelated trace minerals lambs need for healthy wool, hooves and skin. Added ammonium chloride helps reduce likelihood of calculi in wethers. Contains Bovatec (lasalocid) for the prevention of coccidiosis. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics. For show lambs, Shield also helps lower stress and keep them healthier when exposed to other animals.
Nutrient Analysis
Mineral mix that can be fed free choice to sheep of all ages. Approximately daily consumption should be 0.5 to 0.75 pounds per 15 head adult sheep. No other mineral or salt source is required. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics.
Nutrient Analysis
A feed for goats. Contains Deccox (decoquinate) for the prevention of coccidiosis in young goats. Feed at least 28 days during periods of exposure or when experience indicates that coccidiosis is likely to be a hazard. Feed at 1% of body weight to provide 22.7 mg per 100 lbs. bodyweight of decoquinate. Do not feed to goats producing milk for food. For ruminants (cattle and goats) only. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics.
Nutrient Analysis
A complete starter feed for meat and dairy goats. Use only as directed for ruminants (cattle and goats) only. This product contains added copper. Do not feed to sheep.
Nutrient Analysis
A show ration for all classes of goats. Designed to give goats a high-protein, nutritionally balanced diet that delivers steady gain and superior finish. With 18% protein and 5% fat, this ration promotes the muscle development that judges and buyers seek in today’s meat goat market. Ideal for breeding stock and dairy goats as well. A balance of minerals and supplements gives goats healthy hooves, hair and skin. Added ammonium chloride helps reduce likelihood of calculi. Medicated with Rumensin for the prevention of coccidiosis. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics. For show goats, Shield also helps lower stress and keep them healthier when exposed to other animals. Also available in a mini pellet.
Nutrient Analysis
A feed for meat and dairy goats. Use only as directed for ruminants (cattle and goats) only. Do not feed to sheep. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics.
Nutrient Analysis
A pelleted complete feed for goats. Medicated with Rumensin for the prevention of coccidiosis. Designed to give goats a high-protein, nutritionally balanced diet that delivers steady gain and superior finish. A balance of minerals and supplements gives goats healthy hooves, hair and skin. Added ammonium chloride helps reduce likelihood of calculi. Use only as directed for ruminants (cattle and goats) only. Do not feed to sheep.
Nutrient Analysis
A complete feed for dairy goats. Feed at a rate of 1 pound ration for every 2.5 to 3 pounds of milk produced. Do not feed to sheep.
Nutrient Analysis
A free-choice mineral for goats. Feeding in protected areas will reduce loss. Intake usually is between 0.5 and 1.0 ounce per head per day. Can be added to complete air dry rations at the rate of 25-50 pounds per ton of complete ration. Can be added to grain rations at the rate of 50-75 pounds per ton grain ration. Do not feed to sheep. The addition of Shield Technology provides improved immune function, exceptional feed efficiency and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and synbiotics.
Nutrient Analysis
If you have a question related to one of MFA’s products, send us a message here. We will direct it to the appropriate expert and get you an answer. If you have specific questions about product availability or pricing at your MFA retail store, contact your MFA representative or use our Store Locator to find information for the location nearest you.