Listen in as our MFA hosts and a variety of guests share information and discuss issues that affect growers and livestock producers.
Join hosts Adam Jones, Cameron Horine and Emily Beck as they discuss agricultural topics with expert nutritionists, agronomists, precision experts, veterinarians, industry representatives and farmers about best practices and the latest production agriculture products and services in the MFA trade territory.
As many road-warriors know, podcasts have seen a resurgence in recent years. They are streamable and downloadable audio entertainment, easy for on-demand listening. Podcasts work well for commuters or farmers who spend lots of time in the cab. Like audiobooks, podcasts can accommodate long-form recordings and in-depth treatments of complex topics that are hard to address in other media.
District Sales Manager Adam Jones and Seed Division Manager Cameron Horine team up regularly to host “Made for Agriculture.” In the podcast, the co-hosts take turns interviewing experts, influential farmers and discuss timely topics over the growing season and livestock calendar.
Episodes currently in the podcast library include precision ag technology, winter hay feeding and stockpiling, growing profitable wheat, grain marketing, carbon credits, foliar fungicides and many more. A new podcast is released approximately every two weeks.
The “Made for Agriculture” podcast is currently available on Android and Apple mobile devices and desktop computers. Listen and subscribe through any of these popular platforms:
If you have a question related to one of MFA’s resources, products, or services, send us a message here. We will direct it to the appropriate expert and get you an answer.
Made for Agriculture host Adam Jones talks about both new and tried-and-true seed treatments for soybean, corn, wheat and cotton with Chad Smith and Clay Koenig, two industry experts with lots of experience in the field. Smith is a Field Marketing & Tech specialist with Valent and Koenig is a seed care specialist with Syngenta. The three discuss new technology in seed treatments and the newest disease challenges to field crops in MFA territory and beyond. Listen on audio on Spotify, Apple, iHeart Radio, AgriAmerica podcast networks and view as video on Facebook, YouTube and X.
Listen on SpotifyMade for Agriculture podcast hosts Adam and Cameron interview MFA Research Agronomist Garrett Imhoff and Director of Agronomy Services Doug Spaunhorst. The team talk about the 2024 results from MFA’s replicated product and process research trials and summarize what they learned. They also discuss the plans for the 2025 trials and future tests. Listen on your favorite audio podcast systems including Spotify, Apple, iHeart Radio, Podcast Addict, Soundcloud and AgriAmerica. It is available as video on Facebook and YouTube.
Listen on Apple PodcastsMade for Agriculture Podcast Host Adam Jones interviews Brent Hall and Joel Wipperfurth of Truterra, and MFA's very own Landry Jones about MFA's new venture with Truterra. The new team of champions are helping farmers offset some costs, keep soil in place and even make money using cover crops and conservation tillage practices while growing their corn, soybean and wheat crops. Learn more at
Listen on Apple PodcastsEpisode #82 covers an often difficult-to-discuss topic of succession planning. Just in time for the holiday road trip, this episode may give more questions than answers, so grab a notebook before you listen. Podcast co-host Emily Beck interviews University of Missouri Extension's Wesley Tucker about succession planning. They cover what it is, the difference between equal and fair and how a family can preserve a family farm if that is the goal.
Listen on SpotifyFor Episode 81, Made for Agriculture Co-host Emily Beck speaks with MU’s Jeana Curtis, Kaylin Franscisco and Jibin Baby who also work with NRCS in a new outreach approach to working with farmers across Missouri utilizing the Research, Extension and Education Centers. They discuss new ways to participate in NRCS programs and ag education and information for producers.
Listen on AgriAmerica podcastsFor Episode 80, Co-hosts Adam and Cameron discuss the fertilizer markets and planning for plant foods on farms with MFA’s Jared Harding, Tyler Francis and Colin Kraft. They work with customers daily on improving crop fertility and their most-important agronomy decisions. The team discusses planning and evaluating and planning out soil fertility for top crop production. This podcast is also available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart Radio and AgriAmerica podcast networks as audio files. Learn more at
Listen on Apple PodcastsMade for Agriculture Podcast co-host Emily Beck interviews Jim Grilliot, a field rep from MidWest Labs. The two discuss soil tests, best practices in collecting soil tests, trends in precision soil testing and they go over a soil test result sheet. The podcast is posted to most podcast systems as audio and also exists as video on YouTube, Facebook and X.
Download graphicMade for Agriculture co-hosts Adam Jones and Cameron Horine do a deep dive into Soybean Cyst Nematodes and related challenges with the disease in soybean fields. MFA Crop-Trak agronomists Scott Wilburn, Kevin Moore and Jesse Surface discuss what they’ve seen in grower fields and the effects of the disease, testing and its management.
Also on FacebookCheck the latest podcast where Emily talks beef, hay and warm-season grass production with 3 of MFA's finest.
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