MFA’s agronomy products and services are designed to make the most efficient use of the dollars you invest into crop production. Our whole-farm solutions deliver research-backed insights and services designed to elevate your agricultural productivity and sustainability.
Check out our newest product, the Gold Advantage soybean seed treatment system. Boost your soybean’s yield potential by unlocking available nitrogen. Read the Tech Sheet for more info.
Learn More >With a vast portfolio of proprietary and partner brands, MFA offers the latest traits and technology to ensure you get the most return out of your seed investment.
Learn More >MFA is a leading supplier of plant food with an extensive network of facilities and equipment for unparalleled capacity and timely delivery to dealers and farmers.
Learn More >From grid-sampling and crop-scouting services to prescription recommendations and variable-rate application, MFA’s investment in expert personnel and advanced equipment keeps producers on the cutting edge of agricultural technology.
Learn More >Stewardship is one of MFA’s core values, one that we back up with more than just words—we take action. MFA has two conservation experts on staff who work with growers and landowners on practices that incorporate conservation to achieve agronomic, economic and environmental goals.
Learn More >This comprehensive reference guide and educational resource is published annually to provide Midwest growers with seed and crop protection solutions.
Learn More >Looking for a custom applicator to apply fertilizer or spray your fields? Contact the MFA store nearest you.
MFA's 2024 research trials included fungicide timing, seed treatments, nutrient use efficiency products, biologicals, plant growth regulators, fertilizers—including sulfur products—and cultural practices such as planting timing along with ariety plots containing MorCorn, MorSoy, Dekalb, Asgrow, Brevant and NK seed brands.
Senior Staff Agronomist Scott Wilburn shares concerns and observations about red crown rot, which is caused by a fungus that overwinters in the soil and in diseased soybean roots. This emerging disease was confirmed for the first time in Missouri last summer.
In the more than 80 years since Ferguson Feemster began dairy farming just outside Springfield, Mo., technology has changed, markets have changed and even cattle genetics have changed. Growing alfalfa, however, has been one constant throughout much of the farm’s history. Three generations dairymen have counted on alfalfa as a valuable, nutrient-rich forage that helps to add extra production and profit to the farm’s bottom line.
MFA Agronomists Scott Wilburn, Kevin Moore, Shannon McClintock, and Jesse Surface join podcasters Cameron and Adam to dive into topics such as crop conditions, insect trends, emerging diseases, and solutions for coping with the aftermath of drought.
Whether you raise corn, soybeans, wheat or forage, your soil's nutrient levels are critical to maximize production. Year after year, MFA’s precision nutrient management system, Nutri-Track, shows its value to producers through lime savings, improved crops and yields, and reduced waste by over application. Our program offers three unique stages that fit any operation:
Unveil the potential of your land with our 2.5-acre grid sampling initiative. This comprehensive program establishes a fundamental understanding of your field's nutrient levels and soil characteristics. Addressing any underlying issues is crucial for optimizing yields. Perfect for range, pasture, and crop areas lacking yield data.
Elevate your nutrient strategy with our flagship nutrient recommendation service. By seamlessly integrating grid soil sampling with your unique yield data, we craft a personalized nutrient prescription for every acre of your field. Bid farewell to uniform yield targets that over-fertilize low-yield zones and underfeed high-yield zones.
Ideal for fields with optimal fertility, maintain equilibrium by replenishing exactly what's been depleted. This program aligns well with rented acreage as well.
If you have a question related to one of MFA’s products, send us a message here. We will direct it to the appropriate expert and get you an answer. If you have specific questions about product availability or pricing at your MFA retail store, contact your MFA representative or use our Store Locator to find information for the location nearest you.