This comprehensive reference guide and educational resource is published annually to provide Midwest growers with seed and crop protection solutions.
The 2025 MFA Agronomy Guide is a comprehensive reference guide and educational resource to provide Midwest growers with seed and crop protection solutions for corn, milo, wheat, soybeans, rice, cotton and forage markets. It’s compiled and published annually by MFA’s Agronomy Division.
Printed guides are FREE and available at MFA Agri Services stores or through your sales representatives. CLICK TO VIEW -
The latest edition of the 200-plus-page guide is printed each February.
CLICK TO PURCHASE THE PRINTED GUIDE the 2025 MFA Agronomy Guide via PayPal ($12 - plus $9 Shipping & Handling), or drop by your nearby MFA Agri Services and affiliates for a complimentary 2025 MFA Agronomy Guide.
Our Agronomy Guide app for mobile devices also puts all this information at your fingertips. Visit or the online marketplace for your device and search for MFA Agronomy Guide.
Data for the products and information in the app are updated throughout the growing season.
This section includes tables and charts that outline packaged premix ratios; herbicide, insecticide and fungicide characteristics; rotational restrictions; rainfast comparisons; pest control in stored grain; worker protection standards; seed treatments; adjuvant guide; foliar fertilizers; aquatic weed control guide; brush control guide; pasture and specialty crop products.
This section includes crop protection guides for corn, including herbicide performance charts, pre- and post-emergent herbicides, burndown chemicals, foliar fungicides, insecticides and more.
This section includes crop protection guides for soybeans, including herbicide performance charts, pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, burndown chemicals, foliar fungicides, insecticides and more.
This section includes crop protection guides for cotton, including herbicide performance charts, pre- and post-emergent herbicides, burndown chemicals, insecticides and more.
This section includes crop protection guides for rice, including herbicide performance charts, pre- and post-emergent herbicides, burndown chemicals, foliar fungicides, insecticides and more.
This section includes a variety of crop protection information for pasture and hay producers, including alfalfa. Among the helpful charts are weed life cycles, spot spray guide, contact vs. residual herbicide comparisons, and steps for alfalfa establishment and management.
This section includes crop protection information for small grain production, including herbicide and fungicide ratings along with guides for herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.
This section includes crop protection guides for ornamental plants, vegetables, fruit and berry production, and lawn/home products.
This section includes comparisons of MFA’s MorCorn hybrids and MorSoy varieties along with products from partner brands DeKalb, Brevant, NK and Asgrow. Also included are comparison charts for soft red winter wheat seed varieties, sorghum seed varieties, alfalfa, legumes, pasture seed, annual forages and wildlife products. One of the newest sections provides information on planting and managing cover crops. Planting guides are also included for each type of crop.
This section includes handy fertility charts and information such as nutrient removal by crop, micronutrient and lime guidelines, and typical composition and properties of common fertilizers.
If you have a question related to one of MFA’s resources, products, or services, send us a message here. We will direct it to the appropriate expert and get you an answer.